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The Aebi-Eby Families of Switzerland, Germany and North America Book
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The AEBI-EBY Families Book
New Aebi-Eby Families Book
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This publication culminates over thirty years of research into the prominent Aebi-Eby families that escaped persecution in their homeland of Switzerland, and their struggles for religious freedom that take them through Germany and eventually to the "island of Pennsylvania" in colonial America. It also contains information and genealogies of those who settled in the Eastern European region of Galicia.

It explains the circumstances that brought such persecution to those families involved with the Anabaptist movement and in many cases the accounts of Aebi-Eby family members who were at the forefront of this movement during the 16th and 17th centuries.

After researching and translating hundreds of newly discovered primary sources from Europe, we can now offer you the definitive work on the genealogy of the Aebi-Eby Families of Switzerland, Germany and North America including the corrected ancestry of Durs Aebi (Theodorus Eby), immigrant to Pennsylvania. These are the most up-to-date and accurate genealogies ever presented. It covers all known data available such as marriages, baptisms, deaths, deeds, court and arrest records, census records, military records, passenger lists, letters, bibles and books, many of which have never been published before, that add to the understanding of the various times and circumstances that the Aebi-Eby Families lived through.

The Aebi-Eby Families of Switzerland, Germany and North America, 1550-1850 is a hardbound book of 445 pages, heavily footnoted, and contains 57 illustrations, 10 maps, 12 Family Arms, and an exceptional copy of the 1795 painting by Joseph Reinhart titled Weidertäufer von Bücheggberg which depicts an aging Kasper Aebi and two companions.
This book is sure to be a valuable resource to your Aebi-Eby family history collection.

© D.E. Newman

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